Campaign Topics
Fighting Extreme Poverty
Many around the world are impacted by the ever-growing threat of poverty, without being able to access the resources necessary to thrive and flourish with adequate living conditions.
Numerous definitions relate to poverty. Poverty expands and changes as time passes, so how we measure it changes. Globally, poverty is considered differently depending on the wealth of a nation, so the World Bank set the value of the poverty line as $2.15.
The threshold previously mentioned is rather low to ensure that poverty is appropriately accounted for even in impoverished countries. The life of an individual in poverty is extremely arduous, and a healthy diet cannot be maintained.
We must face the reality of inequality, and education is a powerful tool to deal with this situation. Infrastructure is key in bridging the gap.

Clean Water Accessibility
Water is a human need. Although it is necessary for life, many cannot easily access clean water, and thus, they cannot satisfy nutritional requirements, are more threatened by diseases, and waste a significant amount of time.
Although water is abundantly accessible in developed countries, the developing world has disproportionately limited access to clean water. From the limits in sanitation that can lead to disease and loss of economic productivity to the inability of children to focus on their education to advance, the issue of clean water accessibility is only expanding.
Nearly two billion people cannot access clean drinking water, and climate change only limits water availability to these already struggling people. Moreover, the development of the most impacted countries is limited by the need to focus on satisfying this basic requirement.
​Infrastructure is needed to accommodate the needs of these people. Investment into the appropriate networks and sanitation services has many long-term impacts, despite high initial investment causes. Solutions need to be innovative and realistic to tackle this issue.

Improving Agriculture
Sustainable Agriculture can fulfill societal needs while not harming the environment. However, current agricultural processes are aggravating climate change and consuming enormous amounts of energy.
Factory farming is a major contributor to the release of greenhouse gasses, with reduced carbon sinks and the use of nonrenewable energy to produce feed for animals and manage them.
Climate change's impacts are increasing, with effects hurting agriculture even more, like increasing water scarcity in certain regions and growing specific crops. To stop this cycle, action must be taken to revolutionize farming and make a change.
Considering the specific demands of current agricultural production is a must since the systems in place currently have to be adapted while supplying current food. Understand the impacts of solutions in terms of changes in environmental and resource stresses to better comprehend the impact of solutions on this planet.

Curbing Climate Change
Climate change is a pressing issue, with numerous components compounding its impacts on humanity. From the effects on the biosphere to the humanitarian crises it can cause, climate change has many implications for humanity.
Greenhouse gas emissions are on the rise, resulting in an effect in which more heat is trapped near the Earth's surface. Moreover, sea levels have been rising, more extreme environmental events are occurring, and many organisms are threatened.
All these metrics indicate a need for taking action, as each of these issues involved with climate change is jeopardizing the delicate balance of our world. New alarming records are being set every couple of years, and to support a brighter future, all these aspects must be handled.
Climate Change is associated with numerous phenomena that each have their impacts on our environment. Although one solution cannot address all of these issues simultaneously, considering the methods by which an action targeting one part of the problem can mitigate other components of the issue can allow for a greater understanding of the solution's impact.

Ocean Cleanup
Plastic in the ocean has posed a growing issue. The trillions of pieces present have been harming organisms in marine environments, and the bioaccumulation of plastic along the food chain can lead to humans who consume seafood being adversely impacted.
Plastics take many years to degrade, meaning they continuously endanger marine wildlife, and species already threatened by other occurrences are facing threats to their survival. Even the humans who eventually ingest this plastic face health hazards, and if humanity wants its waters to be clear of debris, action must be taken.
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is the size of a country, and the microplastics it carries entangle wildlife and have limited human access to food sources. Our diverse and rich biosphere is at risk due to this precipitating issue.
Action must be taken to help our oceans be in the best condition they can be in. A crucial first step is observing the pollution to understand the scale of the issue, and innovative ideas can aid in accelerating this process and making it more realistic even in the face of the vastness of the issue.

Closing the Education Gap
The Achievement Gap between poorer and wealthier students is on the rise. In essence, it is the difference in academic performance and measures of success between various groups. The gap between groups persists even in the face of improving performances of more disadvantaged groups.
In the United States, the No Child Left Behind Act was passed as an attempt to reform the educational system to increase standards for students with actionable goals to support progress. However, there are still issues as there is significant variability in student capabilities, and one solution can only apply to some disadvantaged groups, even with further legislation being passed.
Many particular aspects of this issue can be improved, like increasing the ability to process the differences between students in addressing the education gap. This includes the disability and strengths of students in areas besides narrow-ranged standardized tests. It also requires the action of educators to ensure that students receive the attention they need to thrive.
​Understanding the uniqueness of every individual and the reality that a singular solution cannot completely address this issue is necessary if long-lasting change is to be made. Moreover, measuring success not only through narrow standardized tests but also by looking at other metrics may prove useful when deciding an effective course of action. Accounting for adaptability is a crucial part of designing thoughtful solutions.

Email your innovator campaign application to Sriman Tipirneni at sriman.tipirneni@safaalliance.org for the Fighting Extreme Poverty Topic.

Email your innovator campaign application to Sajiv Harikrishnan at sajiv.hari@safaalliance.org for the Ocean Cleanup Topic.

Email your innovator campaign application to Akshath Sivachidhambaram at akshath.sivachidhambaram@safaalliance.org for the Curbing Climate Change Topic.

Email your innovator campaign application to Dheeraj Thota at dheeraj.thota@safaalliance.org for the Improving Agriculture Topic.

Email your innovator campaign application to Saye Vikram Karthikeyan at saye.karthikeyan@safaalliance.org for the Clean Water Accessibility Topic.

Email your innovator campaign application to Shrikar Dulam at shrikar.dulam@safaalliance.org for the Closing the Education Gap Topic.